What is a human being or what being a human? if a human is unaware of humanity then should he really call itself human even? or its juts moving a body and start functioning like a robot or a machine only performing chores. What makes humans different from other things like animals, robots, machines, and other things, etc? it's humanity, feelings, emotions. It is a feeling we feel for others.
BUT if being a human acquires all these stuff in one then we will find ourselves emotionless. Because we are not humans having any sought of quality in us. We don't talk about the one who is under greater pressure for decades. We don't talk about the one who is only bearing bloodshed. we don't talk about the one who has lost everything while fighting and protecting themselves at the same time. oh yes why we will be talking and thinking about one, we think out of league it is? why we would be talking and speaking out for them just because we are not in their shoes? yes, why we would be thinking about them when we are living a good life over here.
YOU might bee thinking about whom I am writing …… I AM TALKING ABOUT THE PEOPLE OF PALESTINE. Do we know them? right? yes, we do know them. Since our childhood, we are listening and watching that Palestine is getting into the worst condition day by day.PALESTINE, A small region of land — roughly 2,400 square miles — that has played a prominent role in the ancient and modern history of the Middle East, is under constant political conflict. And this political conflict is making people sacrificing their lives.
In 1947, the United Nations proposed a plan to partition Palestine into two sections: an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state, with Jerusalem as an internationalized territory.
Jewish leaders accepted the plan, but many Palestinian Arabs strictly opposed it. Arab groups argued that they represented the majority of the population in certain regions and should be granted more territory. They began to form volunteer armies throughout Palestine. In May 1948, less than a year after the Partition of Palestine was introduced, Britain withdrew from Palestine and Israel became an independent state.
Estimates suggest between 700,000 and 900,000 Palestinians fled or were forced to leave their homes. This was the time of the beginning of cruelty. Almost immediately, war broke out between Jews and Arabs in the region. The 1948 Arab-Israeli War involved Israel and five Arab nations — Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon. This conflict marked the beginning of years of violent conflict between Arabs and Israelis. this wasn't even enough for Israel. It attacked Egypt, Jordan, and Syria and dragged them into a six-day war which resulted in losing these states their major lands.
More than 135 United Nations member countries recognize Palestine as an independent state, but Israel and some other countries, including the United States, don’t make this distinction.
It's been decades that the people of Palestine are fighting. They have lost everything, their loved ones, their shelters, and everything. They are in the state of war properly but the only war which is only fro Israel. But the point is what we are doing for our Muslim brothers and sisters. Really nothing. And that's seriously deplorable. We don't raise voice for them. how could we? we are literally unaware of their happenings so that we are really out of speak. We all are knowing that Palestine is suffering from very bad imposed by Israel but what we are doing? A crazy driving clip can go viral but no one can speak out for the… why so. Because we are that much involved in our own lives, we have forgotten that this robotic routine and machinery lifestyle won't be giving us hand at the end. BEING Muslims we have faith that we will die one day taking our good and bad deeds with us. But even then we do not pay heed to it. if, on social media, during scrolling, if we find some post regarding Syria or Sham or Palestine we simply hit like on comment asking Mercy for them from ALLAH.arewepicking nuts? is this the way of asking for mercy? in the comment box? no, WE CAN RAISE OUR VOICES We need to understand that Indian occupied Kashmir, as well as Palestine, is our issue. We need to spare a moment to think ( God forbid)what if we were a part of a family living in Palestine, losing every person of the family, and being in self all alone watching everything piling up into wreckage. We can not understand other's situations until unless we get on other's side or put our feet in other shoes. Raise your voices for people of Palestine too. They are Muslims like us. They are humans. Make ur humanity up for those innocents.
We have the power to make things all we need is to gather that power. we need vehemently to raise ur voices for them.No one will understand their pain, the way we will. That is our Muslim society. Take a step, speak out for them. DROP MAKES OCEAN , PUT YOUR DROP IN AND THEN SEE WHAT THIS OCEAN WILL DO.